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Bold Vision Drives Bold Action

Bold Vision Drives Bold Action

Big, hairy, audacious goals are what moves Smoke CI forward. Throughout our 10 year history we have set ourselves goals, that from the outside, seem impossible to achieve. This ethos has enabled our growth and inspired us to create client solutions beyond expectation.

Chasing big goals means we don't accept failure.


Over the last 10 years we have learnt two things:

1. Audacious goals drives action - Having big goals drives an organisation forward. They unify a team towards a common goal, and regardless of how unattainable they may seem to outsiders, having a seemingly impossible task results in teams rising higher than anyone thought possible. We have seen this play out in our product development, our client engagements, and most recently, in our global expansion.

2. Fall down 7 times, stand up 8 - having big goals does not guarantee success first time round. What is far more important, however, is the organisation's ability to proverbially stand up and have another bash.  For us, success is a combination between tenacity and the ability to critically assess and adjust activities, while keeping the ultimate objective in mind. 

We apply these mantras relentlessly within our organisation, but also strive to assist our clients to adopt the same mindset within their Customer Experience and Voice of the Customer programmes. 

To find out how we can assist you drive big, hairy audacious Customer Experience goals, contact us today.

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1 min read

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