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CX Trends & Insights (3)

Lightsabres from the movie Star Wars by Dreamworks, Disney and Lucas Arts

2 min read

Four Customer Experience Lessons from Star Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… a space opera about humans, aliens, and droids engaged in an interplanetary war captivated, and continues...

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2022 Calendar on a desk

2 min read

4 Key CX Stats you need to know for 2022

Customer experience has become far more than a buzzword – it is a proven competitive advantage when looking to attract and retain customers for the...

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City overlaid on a person using a digital device

6 min read

CX in financial services (and what you should be doing)

It’s hardly a surprise that organisations across industries are prioritising Customer Experience (CX) as key to their strategies in the coming years....

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Digital Trends for Customer Experience

2 min read

Four Customer Experience trends to keep an eye on in 2022

Traditional Customer Experience (CX) practices have been radically disrupted over the past two years. More customers have shifted away from...

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Lamp over a box with icons for learning popping out

2 min read

Five Customer Experience lessons learnt during 2021

2021 has been another year full of strangeness, loss, and a new way of working, living, and interacting with others. As a new COVID-19 variant rears...

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Contact Centre Agent at their station

2 min read

Is Voice of the Agent the missing link in your CX program?

For many organisations, the contact centre remains the most important customer touchpoint. With the rapid onset of remote working and the subsequent...

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Contact centre agents at work

2 min read

Operationalising customer feedback in your contact centre

The contact centre is the heart of most businesses – often handling more customer interactions than any other touchpoint in your business. Much...

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Man looking at statistics with a VR headset with their female manager next to him.

4 min read

If your agents are cherry-picking customers to survey, you have a human behaviour problem, not a technology problem.

Often, your contact centre is your most prominent point of contact for your customers. It is the area of your business that handles everything from...

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Woman reading newspaper with the headline

2 min read

CX changes from COVID-19 we should keep

The past year has made the world re-evaluate – not only what is important, but also how we do everything from schooling and shopping, through to the...

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Woman shouting at a man ignoring her while looking at his tablet.

3 min read

How to overcome the obstacles facing your VOC programme

We have all seen the articles and research declaring that the ROI of customer experience being quite staggering – brands with superior customer...

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Astronaut sitting in a sun chair on a distant planet with th emoon in the background.

4 min read

In conversation with Andrew Cook | Why a Contact Centre shouldn't try put a man on the moon

Recently, our CEO, Andrew Cook published his thoughts on how an inbound contact centre should measure their success (check out his eBook on his...

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Woman texting on her phone

3 min read

Increase response rates by 67% when using SMS as a survey channel

SMS is one of the oldest digital channels of B2C communication, with marketers tapping into its potential as early as 1999. The channel has remained...

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2 min read

Best online CX courses to brush up on your CX skill

The United Nations commemorates the right to education, both by enshrining the right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and celebrating...

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Team of rowers

3 min read

Tap into your employee's psyche to manage for success

The first quarter of the year is a great time to engage with your employees to get a sense how motivated they are and of their connection to your...

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wooden people representing the concept of intermediaries.

4 min read

Customer Experience at arm’s length. It’s all about your intermediaries.

For many, creating customer experience is not as simple as delivering great service to the end customer making a purchase. Today's interconnected and...

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Grinch arm with a christmas bauble.

6 min read

Don't let the Grinch steal Christmas. A complete guide to Detractors.

There are few Christmas stories more iconic than Dr Seuss's "The Grinch who stole Christmas" that was first published in 1957. The story written in...

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Employee Engagement The Santa Way

7 min read

Employee Engagement the Santa way. Why the Elves are happy at work.

The story goes that Santa employs a large workforce of elves, who spend the majority of the year in production lines building all sorts of toys. As...

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Planning Journey

4 min read

No idea how to build a Customer Journey Map? Here are our top tips

Customer experience is undoubtedly invaluable for any brand wanting to stand out from its competitors, but great customer experience is not...

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High powered b2b meeting

4 min read

The black sheep no more. B2B Customer Experience finding its place

For many years, CX and Customer Feedback has found a firm place within the B2C environment, with many B2B organisations eschewing formalised feedback...

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