1 min read

How To Transform Your Contact Centre Feedback into Financial Gains

How To Transform Your Contact Centre Feedback into Financial Gains

Utilising customer feedback in contact centres can be a game changer for improving business processes and enhancing financial outcomes. Sarah Lubbe, CRO for Smoke Customer Intelligence, shares a powerful customer anecdote demonstrating the financial benefits of leveraging voice survey feedback effectively.



"If you have a contact centre, you should absolutely be gathering customer feedback using voice surveys after a call," states Sarah. These surveys integrate into your telephony platform and activate once the agent ends the conversation. "This channel gets by far the highest response rates, providing a depth of data that is pure gold."

Highlighting a case from the telecoms sector, Sarah recounts, "More often than not, your contact centre is the catch-all for issues up and downstream in the value chain." She shares how SmokeCI worked with a telecom client where agent behaviour scored well in terms of professionalism and knowledge, yet some customers remained dissatisfied. "Upon analysing verbatim comments left as voice notes, we noticed a consistent trend where customers sought post-sales and onboarding information, which the contact centre didn’t always have in detail."

The insights gained led to significant changes within the sales journey. "This included improvements in post-sale updates and providing customers with more information during onboarding," explains Sarah. The results were transformative—fewer calls into the contact centre, which impacted resource allocation and training requirements, and higher customer satisfaction with contact centre service as potential issues were resolved earlier in the customer journey. Furthermore, there was a decrease in early life attrition because customers had a clearer understanding of what they were purchasing at the point of sale—all outcomes driven by effective use of contact centre feedback.

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This example illustrates how customer feedback within a contact centre can effect real change within a business’s value stream if used effectively. Leveraging such data not only improves operational efficiencies but also enhances the overall customer experience and financial health of the organisation.

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